I'm wearing the thin ice pink! I love it! |
*Please note I received zero compensation for this review, I just thoroughly enjoyed the headbands and thought I would share my opinion.
After getting up and having a nice big bowl of quinoa flakes, I hit the books for a little bit. From there it was errand time. I cleaned out my car (dude, I seriously have no clue how on earth I let it get that bad...), got my oil changed (it was fantastic to hear that everything looked good under the hood after all the crap I've gone through with this POS car!), ran by the office store, and finally the grocery store. I love the grocery store. I could spend hours there looking at the produce and the cool products in the gluten free section. I really wish there was a Whole Foods closer to me. I don't feel like a 45 min drive each way is really worth it... Oh well. Since today was so nice out, I decided to hit the pavement instead of the gym. This was a first. It's harder courtesy of the little inclines and such that you really don't notice when you're driving, but I got a nice 30 min 1.81 mile walk in :)
Tonight I need to finish up the dishes and get my food all ready for tomorrow! I have a Bio Lab Exam tomorrow, although I think I'll be okay. And I HAVE to watch the Oscars! :)